EMAIL ALERTS AVAILABLE (see tab below)                                                                   CONCEALED WEAPON PERMITTING & DRIVER  LICENSE ROAD TEST                         (use reservation tab to schedule)

Hours of Operation:  Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Driver License Services: Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm  

Are there ANY Buyer Warnings

Not all tax certificates sold at a Tax Certificate Sale are bargains. Tax Certificates are sold under the following concept: Let the buyer be beware! The more thoroughly you research the properties, the better informed you will be and the better will be your chances of avoiding losses. The Tax Collector provides public terminals for citizens to obtain information on specific parcels. Currently, this service is available only at the main office in Palatka, at 312 Oak Street.

The Property Appraiser’s public access can provide background information about any property in Putnam County, i.e., name and address of owner and legal description, which may be obtained at all Tax Collector Location.

Putnam County Tax Collector